New technology solutions are not always easy to implement, and the cloud in particular opens up a ton of opportunities for both great successes and agonizing failures. If you do not take certain issues seriously during your cloud implementation process, you might find yourself on the wrong end of this spectrum. Let’s examine some of the common pitfalls that some businesses encounter when it comes to implementing cloud solutions.
One major cause for concern with cloud migration and deployment is security. Hosting data or applications in the cloud, essentially an online environment, promotes accessibility, but this accessibility can create problems if you aren’t careful. How is your data accessed? Where is it stored? What kind of cloud is the best fit for your security needs or for your particular type of data or application? Make sure you can answer these questions.
A good example to look toward is the public cloud versus the private cloud. The public cloud might make for great accessibility and ease of use, but the private cloud gives you more control over your security measures.
Not all data or applications belong in the cloud, so ask yourself if you really need to make the move to the cloud. Sometimes, due to privacy regulations, it is better to keep your data stored in-house to keep it safer and easier to centralize. It’s also imperative that you consider whether or not the applications you use in the cloud will work for your business, as some of them might be too resource-intensive to be effective in that kind of computing environment. You will want to make sure that you have enough bandwidth for all of your users to access it so it can function properly. After all, the last thing you want is for something designed for convenience to become a hassle or an exercise in frustration.
How easy or difficult is it for you to add more storage space, more users, or more features for your cloud-based applications or storage solutions? A solid understanding of the limits of your cloud solutions is necessary, especially for a growing business that is trying to implement solutions that can grow alongside it. You don’t want to spend too much on a solution that will be obsolete in the future, but at the same time, you don’t want to increase the cost of implementation by buying more than you need.
If you need some help with your cloud management or deployment, KB Technologies can provide the support and expertise your organization needs to succeed in this endeavor. To learn more about how we can help your business, reach out to us at (954) 834-2800.
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