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KB Technologies Blog

KB Technologies has been serving the Deerfield Beach area since 2002, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Is Your Cloud Hosting Reliable?

Is Your Cloud Hosting Reliable?

If your business uses the cloud, you need that cloud to be reliable. Otherwise, you’re just wasting resources. Let’s examine how you can make your cloud solution as reliable as possible so you’re not leaving any money on the table.

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The Cloud Isn’t Always as Simple as You Might Expect

The Cloud Isn’t Always as Simple as You Might Expect

Cloud computing has become a massively beneficial tool for businesses, offering scalability, flexibility, and significant cost savings. However, despite its many advantages, businesses often face several challenges when adopting or managing cloud-based solutions. One common issue is data security and privacy concerns. 

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Advanced Cloud Options that are Moving the Platform Forward

Advanced Cloud Options that are Moving the Platform Forward

Cloud computing has seen some incredible developments in the past few years, giving businesses and individuals access to a wide range of powerful cloud options. These innovations have completely changed how we store, access, and manage data, offering organizations nearly unlimited computing options, robust scalability, and some pretty substantial cost savings. Today, we’re diving into some of the top advanced cloud solutions available today and what makes them so great for the growing business.

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It’s Basically Guaranteed: You Could Find Utility in the Cloud

It’s Basically Guaranteed: You Could Find Utility in the Cloud

The cloud is a technology that can fundamentally change how a business operates, and in many more ways than one. We wanted to review what the cloud is and touch on the utility it can bring in pursuit of various operational goals and needs.

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The Public Cloud is an Excellent Alternative to the Private Cloud for SMBs

The Public Cloud is an Excellent Alternative to the Private Cloud for SMBs

What kind of cloud service does your business use, if it uses the cloud? There are private clouds, hosted and maintained on-site, and public clouds, where an external business will host and provide it on a subscription basis. While there are certain scenarios in which a private cloud is quite valuable, today, we want to focus the discussion on the more common of the two: the public cloud.

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The Right Cloud Options Go a Long Way for SMBs

The Right Cloud Options Go a Long Way for SMBs

The cloud allows businesses to improve flexibility and scalability in previously unheard-of ways. Today, we want to explore what the cloud can enable for small businesses, as well as the best options to get the most out of your solution.

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Cloud Computing is Driving Small Business

Cloud Computing is Driving Small Business

Nearly every business can use cloud computing to cut costs and get the resources they need to reach their goals. This includes processing, storage, and applications deployment. Since small businesses don’t have the available capital that larger organizations do, they’ve found that cloud-based tools have cost advantages. While cost is a big consideration, there are other factors that you have to consider before you commit to cloud-based computing for your business. Let’s take a look at some of these factors.

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How to Overpower Your Business with Technology

How to Overpower Your Business with Technology

Today’s business relies on their technology to the point that even an extremely small business continuously needs more computing. Well, as business software, cybersecurity tools, and cloud resources get more reliable, it isn’t as hard for small businesses to get the tools they need to run efficiently and productively. Let’s take a look at four ways your business can overpower its operations with technology. 

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Why the Cloud Makes a Good Business Investment

Why the Cloud Makes a Good Business Investment

Businesses have been taking advantage of the cloud for some time now, and nine out of ten businesses operating today are using the cloud’s capabilities in some way or another. We feel confident enough to say that the future will certainly involve cloud hosting. Let’s look at some of the statistics and business trends to see how far the cloud has come, and how you could be taking advantage of it if you aren’t already.

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Here are a Few Questions to Ask about Moving to the Cloud

Here are a Few Questions to Ask about Moving to the Cloud

When it comes to the cloud, your business is going to have to make some choices. There are several different types of options, all of which might suit your organization depending on its specific needs. To help you make the best decision possible, we have put together a short list of questions you should consider when making a commitment to a cloud solution for your business.

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Cloud Computing Has an Option That Will Work for Your Business

Cloud Computing Has an Option That Will Work for Your Business

With the cloud gaining so much traction in recent years, you might begin to wonder if the cloud is an appropriate next step for your business to take. Well, today, we might just have your answer, and it’s one that you probably have already guessed at. Yes, the cloud is a great way for your business to improve access to technology solutions. Let’s go over how you might use it.

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The Many Benefits of Document Management

The Many Benefits of Document Management

Every business has a lot of documents that they need to keep in perpetuity. They also choose to keep many that they may not need, just so they have the information to serve their customers better. Traditionally, this meant manila file folders with a bunch of papers representing all the information and contracts that a particular customer has. This could be a little as one file cabinet, but for some organizations, a warehouse is needed. Technology now allows an organization to safely store all of their documents in a secure data center. 

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How to Figure Out How Much Your Cloud Costs Will Be

How to Figure Out How Much Your Cloud Costs Will Be

The cloud is undeniably a useful approach to technology, for reasons ranging from its accessibility to its scalability to its purported cost efficacy. Why purported? Well, there are hidden costs that can very well impact whether or not the cloud is your best option.

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Consider these Cloud Options for Better Business

Consider these Cloud Options for Better Business

The cloud can make it exceedingly easy to access applications and data, but there are countless options available to small businesses, often leading them toward the phenomenon called “analysis paralysis.” They get too caught up in the details to make a decision, and with so many options out there, it’s difficult to blame them. Here are some of the more popular choices for business cloud solutions.

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Why All Businesses Should Consider a VoIP Solution

Why All Businesses Should Consider a VoIP Solution

Owner who takes their craft seriously has a telephone solution of some sort, even if it is just your traditional landline. But what if we told you that there is a much more dynamic, more flexible solution that offers all of the same features without the headaches associated with landlines? A Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) solution might be just what you need to revolutionize your communication infrastructure.

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Consider the Ever-Present Cloud Complications

Consider the Ever-Present Cloud Complications

New technology solutions are not always easy to implement, and the cloud in particular opens up a ton of opportunities for both great successes and agonizing failures. If you do not take certain issues seriously during your cloud implementation process, you might find yourself on the wrong end of this spectrum. Let’s examine some of the common pitfalls that some businesses encounter when it comes to implementing cloud solutions.

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6 Huge Benefits Businesses Gain from the Cloud

6 Huge Benefits Businesses Gain from the Cloud

Cloud computing can be a huge benefit for your business, but most times it is thought of as just a cost-saving measure. In reality, investing in the cloud can have a number of serious benefits for any business bold enough to commit to hosted computing. Today, we will go through some of these benefits and explain how they set a business up for success.

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Today, VoIP Has More Value than Ever

Today, VoIP Has More Value than Ever

In one of the most negative times in recent memory, something positive happened, people started to work from home using technology as a facilitator. This has led a lot of businesses, who hadn’t already, looking to make a digital transformation. As one of the most useful and valuable digital tools, Voice over Internet Protocol is at the center of this shift. Let’s look at VoIP and how it presents the modern business value.

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Never Has the Cloud Been More Important

Never Has the Cloud Been More Important

Over the past decade we’ve seen the rapid growth of cloud computing, but many decision makers and business owners were skeptical of the actual utility in cloud-based utility computing. With COVID-19-based stay-at-home orders lasting for over six-to-12 weeks in some places, these professional businessmen and businesswomen are seeing just how beneficial the cloud can be for their business. For the very first time cloud computing makes sense to them. Let’s take a look at why everyone is seemingly using computing resources in the cloud. 

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How to Ensure Your Cloud Platforms are Secure

How to Ensure Your Cloud Platforms are Secure

Before we start on what practices you should be prioritizing when it comes to your cloud resources, we want to recognize that most businesses have found cloud computing to be extraordinarily useful. In fact, that is why we wanted to discuss some actions that you need to implement to help keep your cloud-based resources secure. 

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