Before we start on what practices you should be prioritizing when it comes to your cloud resources, we want to recognize that most businesses have found cloud computing to be extraordinarily useful. In fact, that is why we wanted to discuss some actions that you need to implement to help keep your cloud-based resources secure.
Most of the cloud services companies will deploy are “as-a-Service” products designed to cut costs and provide the scalability and flexibility needed with today’s mobile workforces. As a result, there will have to be some extra diligence on the other end of this to ensure that data is secure and accessible.
Even the biggest names in cloud computing suffer from downtime. Sure, Google, Amazon, and Microsoft’s uptime is much closer to 100 percent than they are to 99 percent, but you could still suffer from some downtime. Being sure that your staff is notified when planned outages are scheduled, it will eliminate some of the concern they have.
Nowadays, hackers and cybercriminals are on the lookout for vulnerabilities in systems no matter who they belong to, or how they’re used. Cloud service providers typically maintain very strong security standards, and tend to use powerful tools to ward against unauthorized access to their drives.
Many compliance regulations require built-in transparency and sometimes that can be difficult when your organization uses cloud services. Additionally, regulations that call on proof of security may be a headache for your organization. There are resources on the market that are built to help your organization keep in compliance, but if you choose to trust KB Technologies with the management of your IT infrastructure, you will find that our IT professionals can ensure data integrity, keeping your business safe from rebuke.
If you use cloud-hosted resources for your business, understanding where the holes are can keep you from having problems with platform security and data integrity. Call the IT professionals at (954) 834-2800 today to learn more about cloud security.
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If your business uses the cloud, you need that cloud to be reliable. Otherwise, you’re just wasting resources. Let’s examine how you can make your cloud solution as reliable as possible so you’re not leaving any money on the table.
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