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KB Technologies Blog

KB Technologies has been serving the Deerfield Beach area since 2002, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Save a Website on Your Desktop as an Application

Save a Website on Your Desktop as an Application

If you are like me, you probably suffer from the affliction known as “you’ve got too many browser windows open, and each one of those browser windows has too many tabs.”

Unfortunately, this affliction is chronic, and no cure is in sight. However, if you have specific tabs that you need to reference frequently throughout the day, there is a really neat trick for breaking them out, giving them their own icon, and making it much faster to access them when you need them.

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Tip of the Week: Save Tabs to Read Later On

Tip of the Week: Save Tabs to Read Later On

Google Chrome is a great web browser that comes with many built-in services and features, one of which is the ability to save tabs for future reading. Today, we want to explore how you can do this to save pages to read later, even if you don’t have time to do it now.

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Protect Your Business from Browser-Based Malware Attacks

Protect Your Business from Browser-Based Malware Attacks

Technology plays an important role in today’s society, and as such, cyberthreats look to subvert everyone’s reliance on it to their own benefit. Browser hijacking attacks are on the rise, so we thought we’d focus today’s blog on exploring some of the techniques used in these types of attacks and how small or medium-sized businesses can keep themselves safe.

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Don’t Fall for These 3 Browser Security Myths

Don’t Fall for These 3 Browser Security Myths

The world of network security is vast and complicated, even without all of the misinformation out there about how to keep your business safe and your accounts secure. One particular facet of network security misinformation comes in the form of web browsers, or rather, myths that people think about how they are used which could leave them vulnerable to hacking attacks.

We’re here today to address three of the most common myths about browser security that we think you’ll be interested to know.

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Setting Your Startup Page in Chrome

Setting Your Startup Page in Chrome

When you want to be productive, the last thing you want to do is think about where to get started. This is where setting your Startup page in Google Chrome can come in real handy. Let’s discuss how you can set up your Startup page in everyone’s favorite web browser.

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Fare Thee Well, Internet Explorer

Fare Thee Well, Internet Explorer

Microsoft has officially cut off support for Internet Explorer, even going so far as removing it from devices running Windows 10 and 11. What does the removal of this dinosaur of web browsing mean for your business? Let’s examine how Microsoft plans to phase out Internet Explorer entirely and make way for its other (better) web browser experience, Microsoft Edge.

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Tip of the Week: Optimize Security By Disabling Browser-Based Password Management

Tip of the Week: Optimize Security By Disabling Browser-Based Password Management

Most users these days have so many passwords that just about any tool that helps them keep them all in check could be considered a good thing. Web browsers come with this technology built-in, but unfortunately, this convenience often comes at a cost. Are these built-in tools as secure as they are supposed to be, or are you better off looking into better alternatives?

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A Brief Guide to Help You Avoid Malicious Browser Extensions

A Brief Guide to Help You Avoid Malicious Browser Extensions

There are dozens of Internet browsers on the market. They are typically all free and when they come stock, are pretty much all the same. Most of the most popular ones come with an app store where users can download useful apps to make their experience better. Unfortunately, there are times that malicious code gets in there. Security firm Avast recently found 28 third-party extensions that are extraordinarily popular that had malicious code found in them.

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Tip of the Week: Keyboard Shortcuts You May Not Have Known

Tip of the Week: Keyboard Shortcuts You May Not Have Known

It can’t be denied that the Internet browser is one of the most utilized pieces of software on any workstation, mobile device, or computer of any kind. With so much time spent inside the browser, we thought that we would share some shortcuts that you probably don’t know exist.

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