These days, you cannot simply rely on passwords to keep your data safe. That said, a good password is significantly better than a bad one, and you need all the help you can get to keep your accounts safe from cyberattacks. Here are some tips to help you create better passwords for all of your credentials.
A complex password is over 12 characters long, including a mix of upper and lower-case letters. You should also throw in some numbers and symbols for good measure. Complex passwords should also avoid using common words like “password” or personally identifiable information. You can create a passcode of sorts by using three unrelated words, then subbing in numbers and symbols in place of various letters.
You should never use the same password for more than one account, and that’s because you’re essentially making more than one account accessible through the same credential. If someone can break into one account, they can break into the others, too. You should be using a password management tool to make complex passwords easier to manage, and the best solutions on the market will keep your passwords encrypted and safe as well.
You should make it a routine to change your passwords from time to time. If you put off changing your passwords, you’re increasing the likelihood that hackers will get value out of any potentially stolen passwords they have acquired. Changing your passwords frequently limits hackers’ ability to break into your accounts, which is a very good thing to do.
Passwords should not be the only measure in place for your accounts. Multi-factor authentication measures like biometrics, secondary passcodes to your devices or email, or other measures provide extra security that makes things twice as difficult for hackers. They are particularly effective if you believe that your passwords have been compromised.
Does your business need help with implementing password security measures? KB Technologies can help you with the entire solution implementation process. Call us today at (954) 834-2800 to learn more.
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